February 8, 2011

I don't know how you do it

I hear that phrase so many times when people ask me what I do.  Apparently I have a hard job. I can think of a hundred other jobs that are harder than at home daycare but that's not what this post is about.  I thought it would be fun to create a top ten list of how I do what I do!  So here it is...
Top Ten Reasons I can do Daycare
10) I get to wear sweats everyday
9) I can wake up 10 minutes before work and still be on time
8) My house gets messy quickly but I have lots of little helpers to clean
7) I get to do a craft everyday
6) Cuddles with my boys and the other kids too
5) I get to stay home with my kids
4) I have a big back yard (that I can't wait to get out into once the snow is a little less)
3) I have great kiddos that I'm blessed to take care of
2) I get to stay home with my kids, and still get paid!
1) I can only accomplish all of this by praying every morning for patience and joy.  Without asking God for his help throughout the day, I would not have good days.
The number one reason has been so helpful to me!  I am astonished every day when I don't get up early to pray and give the day to God how crappy my day can be.  God really does give what we ask even little things like patience and joy.  I'm so thankful that I have a God who listens to the little things.  And I'm thankful that I have the great job of taking care of his precious children.  Now you know!


  1. Thanks for the post Tiffany,a great reminder to me who I need to turn to continually to give me strength through the day. You ARE an amazing woman, so glad your my friend.

  2. Praise God for lovely people like you! And you even want to organize a mom's group on your day off! What a blessing you are! Jen E.

  3. And you are so good at what you do!!!
